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Links of Hope PNG Newsletter, September 2023

Welcome to our quarterly update from the Links of Hope team in Papua New Guinea. Happy 48th Independence Day Papua New Guinea!

We have had a busy few months as a team and have some pressures as the economic downturn in PNG has meant many of our regular supporters and corporate donors have had to reassess levels of support. This, together with rising costs of care packages and some unfavourable exchange rates, has meant we have felt the pinch financially. On the positive side – our amazing team have continued to strive to bring the best support possible to the 330 children we support living impacted by HIV in Papua New Guinea.



Some highlights of this quarter have included:-

  • Completing renovation works at our respite home, with a kind grant from the New Zealand. High commission in Port Moresby

  • Partnering with Trukai Industries Ltd to profile our work through their networks, run some fun fundraising events at PNG Hunters games AND secure an enormously generous support arrangement where Trukai will commence supply of all rice requirements for our monthly care packages for our children

  • Completing a pilot Adherence Training Program funded by the National AIDS Council, delivering key adherence messages over a week-long initiative, training 18 of our Links of Hope caregivers


Partner Acknowledgements

  • Kraft Heinz – thank you for your generous ongoing support of our Respite Home – providing essential operational funding to keep the home functioning and cover costs of employing our highly valued Respite Manager and Social Worker

  • The Ela Murray International School – our ongoing relationship is acknowledged and we thank you for your loyal support with regular child sponsorship for 3 of our boys. Our Community Nurse and artist Mathew painted a beautiful artwork featuring one of our boys with their Deputy Principal

  • BSP for running a generous donation drive to provide some essential supplies for our children

Staff Profile

Freddy Simo – Adherence Counsellor

Freddy is a valued member of our team and doing some incredible work counselling children and caregivers on the importance of adhering to medication regimes. He also supports our adolescents as they transfer out to adult clinics and works hard to connect with them at a number of different locations across the city of Port Moresby. Freddy has worked as an HIV and AIDS counsellor for 18 years within various NGO and government organisations. He has a high standard and capacity for work and has an excellent reputation amongst peers. Freddy sits on the KPAC PNG forum, gathering key survey data in communities across the country regarding people living with HIV.


Training and Education Pathways Program (TEPP)

One of our key priorities this year was to launch a program to support our adolescents engage in pathways to support further education and training opportunities. We are still seeking key partners to pilot some work with but have had a few success stories to date. This driven young man, who has been on our Links of Hope child sponsorship program since a young age, has overcome some significant personal challenges and has now embarked on his carpentry apprenticeship at Badilli Technical College. Links of Hope have equipped him with uniforms and essential workwear and helped him to open a bank account. Next month he heads out for work placement.


Upcoming Fundraiser

To all our friends and supporters residing in Port Moresby – PLEASE come and support us by attending our upcoming Ladies High Tea at Grand Papua Hotel on Tuesday 10th October. There will be bubbles, a raffle, musical entertainment, spoken word poetry, PNG artwork from our very own Mathew Otte, a guest speaker, delicious food and more! Please see our flyer for details and grab yourself a ticket.


FINALLY – thank you as always to every, single individual who supports our work in Papua New Guinea. We are registered as a charity now in PNG, in Australia and in the UK. We couldn’t do what we do without the help of everyone around the world who has invested time, money, care and prayers into our work over the past 12 years. MIPELA LAIKIM YU TUMAS – TENK YU TUMAS TRU!


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